A team of passionate writers, designers, and editors seeking to spread awareness about gender inequality within education to help end female illiteracy. We aim to empower female’s all over the world, and discuss topics that need to be addressed. We are the voices of OneProsper International!

Founder of OneProsper International Blog

Sophie Brown

Hello! My name is Sophie Brown and I live in Amherst, New Hampshire. I am a rising senior at the Derryfield School with a passion for teaching, global health, and biomanufacturing. I have been a buddy at OneProsper for a year now, and I’m so glad I got the experience to build my leadership skills, learn about India’s culture, and make lifelong friends. To further my involvement in this incredible community, I initiated a blog for the purpose of spreading awareness through the topics of empowerment, education, and community. I am so excited to collaborate with the Ambassador team to bring this blog to life! 

Blog Team Leader: Writers

Madalyn Do

Hi! My name is Madalyn Do, I am from Southern California and I am currently a senior attending Schurr High School. Some of my hobbies involve reading, listening to music, binge-watching shows, and crocheting little stuffed animals! I have always been very passionate about helping others and being involved in my community, which was one of the main reasons why I became a volunteer for OneProsper. Through my experience in the English Learning Buddy Program, I was able to not only help my buddy improve her writing and reading comprehension, but I was also able to learn about her culture as I remember her so excitingly introducing me to her favorite songs, foods, and shows! Being a buddy was such an insightful experience, and I can’t wait to continue my journey as a volunteer by being involved with this blog! 🙂


Alina Khan

Hi! My name is Alina Khan and I live in Brampton, Canada. I am a first-year undergraduate at York University where I am studying Neuroscience. I have been a part of OneProsper for 2 and a half years where I serve as an Ambassador and a Student Executive. OneProsper has allowed me to further my understanding of India’s culture, improve on leadership and interpersonal skills, and meet new people! From participating in the English Buddy Learning Program for 4 consecutive times, I was able to connect with young girls as their “Didi” where I learned about their passions and interests while also helping them improve their English comprehension skills. I decided to participate as a writer and designer for the OneProsper blog because I am passionate about educating and raising awareness surrounding the issues of unprivileged young girls in India, which initiated my interest to volunteer with OneProsper to make a difference.

Kritika Maheshwari

Hi! My name is Kritika Maheshwari. I am a junior in high school from Fremont, California. My hobbies include reading, running, and watching both English and foreign language TV shows. I joined OneProsper’s English Learning Buddy Program over a year ago and later became an Ambassador. I’ve always wanted to be able to use writing as a tool for positive change, and I think being a writer for the OneProsper blog will be a great way to do so.

Vanya Bhardwaj

Hi! My name is Vanya Bhardwaj and I’m from San Jose, California, but now live in Davis, California, where I’m a student at UC Davis. I’m majoring in neurobiology, physiology, and behavior, and minoring in education. I’ve been a buddy with One Prosper for about a year and half now, and have been tutoring students ages 3-18 for a little over 8 years now. It’s such a humbling experience to work with young children who are so full of life and potential and help them achieve the goals they set for themselves and watch them fall in love with learning. Working with the girls in India specifically has been such a wonderful experience where I’ve gotten to be their ‘didi’ (older sister in Hindi) instead of just a mentor, so the connection has been a lot more personal. I’ve seen them show so much improvement in their English vocabulary and pronunciations, and I found that I was able to use my ability to speak Hindi to better help them understand the English language and eliminate any communication barriers that existed, making it easier for them to feel comfortable in asking questions. Outside of tutoring, I’m heavily involved with mental health projects, such as serving as the president for NAMI at UC Davis and being a trained support group facilitator for NAMI UC Davis and NAMI Yolo County. I’m excited to be able to share stories of my amazing experiences working with the One Prosper buddies and team 🙂 

Jacqueline Walker

Hello! My name is Jacqueline (Jackie) Walker and I am a junior at Leaside High School in Toronto, Canada. Since 2021, I have been an English Learning Buddy with OneProsper International. During my experience as a buddy, not only did I make a new friend and assist my buddy in her language-learning journey, but I began to truly understand the magnitude of the lack of education, opportunities, and various injustices that girls in India (and all over the world) face every day. Her gratitude and motivation to learn inspired me to take on a bigger role with OneProsper, and use my love for writing to promote women’s empowerment and education. Being a part of the Blog Team has allowed me to do so, and collaborate with those who share the same aspirations to spread awareness and highlight positive change. Aside from volunteering with OneProsper, I enjoy skiing and spending time with friends and family.

Blog Team Leader: Designer

Urja Nandu

Hi, my name is Urja Nandu. I am a senior at Cupertino High School in San Jose, California. I have been a buddy at OneProsper for a year now. I have made new friends, and I am fortunate enough to help others who deserve the opportunity to reach new horizons. I love meeting new people and knowing things about their life and OneProsper has given me so many opportunities to do so. I wanted to participate in the wonderful idea by Sophie about having a blog to talk about less talked topics like empowerment, education, and community. I like to create new things which are eye capturing and I like managing things.Therefore, I volunteered to join the blog team as a Blog designer. Thanks to Sophie for this incredible opportunity. I am excited to work with the team and help reach this blog to its destination which is in the eye view of thousands of people.


Ashna Ranganathan

Hi. My name is Ashna Ranganathan. I live in Fremont and I am a rising senior at American high school. Some of my hobbies are baking and rollerblading. I have been an ambassador for One prosper for about a year now and it has been such an amazing experience to teach, volunteer and learn. I am very excited to continue as a volunteer through this blog. So excited to work with you all.

Bani Vig

My name is Bani Vig and I am a senior at Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School in Brampton, Canada. I have been a part of OneProsper for two consecutive years, and it has been a great journey! Not only have I learned so many new things and experienced them by getting involved in the English Learning Buddy program, I have also learned how my contribution can change someone’s life. By joining this organization, I have experienced new things like meeting new people, making friends, teaching girls, interacting with each other and getting to know more about their life. I wanted to join this blog as a Designer because I love to make things look attractive and alluring which will make the other person gain more curiosity about getting to know it more and also to volunteer and spread awareness about how this organization works.  

Luca Fukuyo

Hi, My name is Luca Fukuyo and I am a senior student at Collingwood School in British Columbia, Canada. I have been part of the One Prosper organization for about two years now, volunteering In their English Buddy Program. It’s been such a wonderful experience being able to work with kids of varying ages, and creating meaningful connections with them as well. In my free time, I like to immerse myself in arts, ranging from singing and guitar, to painting and writing. I’m super excited to be working alongside this team as a designer for the blog, to help raise awareness about this organization

Blog Team Leader: Editors

Alisha Raiker

Hi there! I’m Alisha Raiker and I live in a small town in Massachusetts. I am a rising sophomore at the Acton Boxborough Regional High School and I hope to join the medical field in the future. When I’m not writing for the OneProsper blog, I also enjoy running, reading, traveling, and listening to music. I am truly passionate about the amazing work OneProsper is doing for underprivileged girls in India. I’ve had an amazing experience and learned a great amount, as well as made a bunch of new (international and more local) friends! I’m looking forward to writing and editing articles for the OneProsper organization through this blog.


Tiffany Zhou

Hello! My name is Tiffany Zhou, and I am a Senior at the Derryfield School in Manchester, New Hampshire. I am a passionate STEM student and plan on pursuing biochemistry/biological sciences in college. Outside of my studies, I am an artist, puzzle enthusiast, and an advocate for accessible education. Coming from a low-income, first generation background, education has always been important to my family and I as it has provided me with many opportunities. Unfortunately, higher education is not as accessible as it should be, prohibiting many from gaining new opportunities. That is why I teach for programs such as OneProsper, whose mission is to support underprivileged girls in India. I have been a buddy for over a year now and have enjoyed every lesson I have taught. I am so excited to be a part of the blog team as a designer and editor, and I am looking forward to collaborating with others!

Priyanka Samant

Hi! My name is Priyanka Samant. I live in California and I’m a senior in high school. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, biking, reading, and writing! I want to major in English and foreign  languages in college in the future. I have been an Ambassador for OneProsper for almost two years now and the entire program has made me a more perceptive, empathetic, and knowledgeable person about other cultures. I’m looking forward to editing articles for this blog!

2023 OneProsper International Blog

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