Working Through the Crisis of Female Illiteracy

The fight campaign against gender inequality has since spearheaded the rise of advocates to push for greater opportunities for women. One of these battles, in particular, deals with the crisis circulating around female literacy throughout developing and undeveloped countries, where opportunities have statistically been reported to be less accessible to women and girls. In a …

The Power of Confidence: Deepakshi’s Story

I was pleased to meet my first English Learning Buddy (ELB), Deepakshi Ohja, through OneProsper International. Throughout the 10-week program, Deepakshi and I worked on her English pronunciation by reading the book Miss Pickrell Goes to Mars by Ellen MacGregor. From the first meeting, I could tell that Deepakshi loved learning and truly wanted to …

Our People

A team of passionate writers, designers, and editors seeking to spread awareness about gender inequality within education to help end female illiteracy. We aim to empower female’s all over the world, and discuss topics that need to be addressed. We are the voices of OneProsper International! Founder of OneProsper International Blog Sophie Brown Hello! My …